For your safety and the safety of others, please ensure your vehicle meets the minimum club vehicle requirements and any additional posted requirements before attending any club trail runs. Vehicles not meeting the requirements will not be allowed on the club trail run. If you plan to attend a club trail run please post in the forum under the specific club trail run topic. As a refresher, please review the club etiquette and safety tips.
July 3, 2018 @ 8:00 am – July 4, 2018 @ 8:00 pm
Tyler Laursen

Hey guys, I am doing an overnight Rubicon run with some of the crawlers from the NorCal 4×4 facebook page. Plan below:


Meet at Loon Lake at 9am, Tuesday July 3. Wheel in to either Buck or Springs depending on pace and crowds. Out Caddy on July 4th (this might change, because going through tahoe on the 4th of july is terrible, but so would going against the flow of traffic back to loon lake).


It is guaranteed to be slow pace, with plenty of entertainment if you like people watching. It will be busy on the trail. Be mentally prepared lol


Club requirements plus 35’s and 1 locker and a winch.