9:53 pm
True true... but this is supposed to be an adventure... LOL (calling ahead isn't that adventurous) 😛
I chose HWY101 - for touristy reasons. It seems fine so far...
We were having quite the fire season our selves - until recently. For the past week it's been Thunder Storms and tornado's.... and a lot of hail.
One extreme to another.... 🙄
10:02 pm
Keep an eye on the Cal Fire website:
Cal Fire Incidents
Federal Incidents in California
10:24 pm
February 5, 2003
calfire doesn't list the fires being managed federally, but their map shows them.
There's also a link to the federally managed fires here
the inciweb site gets overloaded at times.
Closed Mondays.
11:27 pm
Thank you for the links... that's very usful intel. Which makes me happy... but on the other hand... that's a lot of fire. Makes me sad to see all that up in smoke.
This July we had a wheelin' trip down in southern Alberta, near a place called Pincher Creek. We did a run up some foothills through a burned out forest... was eary. Nice veiw without the trees in the way, but sad that there was no green...
Burnt trees do a number on the paint job.
Thanks again.
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