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Trackbar, Swaybar, Steering Stabilizer Bracket ripped off
June 18, 2013
12:33 am
Granite Bay, CA
Forum Posts: 497
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September 25, 2011
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We went to the Rubicon this weekend for a couple day campout and on the way home Sunday morning from Loon lake I noticed the trackbar, Swaybar, Steering Stabilizer Bracket had ripped off the axle housing on the white Jeep. Luckily we had a ready welder with us and after disassembling the bracket hammering it back into somewhat of its original shape I was able to weld it back on to the axle. We drove out and the welds held until we were coming off the trail at loon lake and then the bracket ripped off again, this time my welds held, it was the rest of the bracket that didn't. Again, luckily we had a friend with a trailer who was kind enough to bring on home for us. I ordered a new HD bracket today. Hopefully we will get the axle cleaned up and the new bracket welded back on before next weekend.


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79849=3692-trackbar damage.jpgImage Enlarger 79849=3693-trackbar damage3.jpgImage Enlarger

June 18, 2013
2:03 am

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Dang. That sounds fun.


June 18, 2013
2:34 am

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Semper Fi

June 18, 2013
3:55 am

"huck271" wrote: We went to the Rubicon this weekend for a couple day campout and on the way home Sunday morning from Loon lake I noticed the trackbar, Swaybar, Steering Stabilizer

:chuckle: that you noticed. I'm just visualizing you spotting Reed (assuming he's driving) and your like...hmmm, will ya check that out.

June 18, 2013
4:02 am

We welded Path 88's panhard bar bracket back to the frame at the bottom of Big Sluice. Hope it stayed together for his trip home. Mark

June 20, 2013
4:11 am
Jeff- that guy with the foolsize
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January 22, 2011
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After sitting on Cadillac hill for 4 hrs waiting for a broken rig recovery and removal. I made it out fine. Thanks again to Mark and Jeff for getting me fixed up. Now for the hard part. Cutting off the trail repair to plate and reinforce the frame rail and reset my axle.

June 20, 2013
4:19 am
Granite Bay, CA
Forum Posts: 497
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September 25, 2011
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"Path 88" wrote: After sitting on Cadillac hill for 4 hrs waiting for a broken rig recovery and removal. I made it out fine. Thanks again to Mark and Jeff for getting me fixed up. Now for the hard part. Cutting off the trail repair to plate and reinforce the frame rail and reset my axle.

Oh man that sucks! What Is a broken rig recovery and removal? Is that like a tow truck?

June 20, 2013
3:18 pm

Could have been much worse if there was not welder and trailer. My guess is most runs I have been on have neither.

June 20, 2013
4:51 pm
BKGM Jeepers

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"JavaCowboy" wrote: Could have been much worse if there was not welder and trailer. My guess is most runs I have been on have neither.

I carry my welder when I'm in a small group. You can also fix the problem above (to limp home) with $30 in very HD ratchet straps from Sams or Costco. Don't use chain. It's inability to stretch will create shock tension that will rip off components, which happened to me.

The entire time I've been wheeling, I've broken probably 6 times. I was able to drive/limp home 4 of those six times. Rob trailered me home once when a $12 cam position sensor failed (I carried a spare with me after that). The other time, I used my AAA for the failure. If I had been carrying the two ratchet straps I mentioned above, I would have been able to get home without AAA - even with both my upper and lower track bar mounts broken/ripped off.

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