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Heavy equipment needed
April 18, 2023
7:35 pm
Forum Posts: 14
Member Since:
February 6, 2023
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Hey all. American River Conservancy is in need of the use of a 5 yard dump truck and a 6-10 ton excavator. We had a major landslide happen on one of our new properties and of it doesn’t get cleared soon, it’s liable to take out the entire road. I’m reaching out in case there’s anyone out there that might be able to offer the services of one of these vehicles. I don’t have much more info, but if you think you can help, I’ll put you in contact with the proper person. Thanks!



[email protected]

April 19, 2023
4:32 pm
BKGM Jeepers

Club President
Forum Posts: 7015
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April 2, 2003
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I am sorry that I do not have either.  You could ask Cal4Wheel for leads on the equipment since our club is in good standing with them.

April 20, 2023
10:40 am
Guy and Lynda

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August 17, 2014
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No equipment available on my end. Sorry. I was under the believe that the Forest Service was going to furnish the equipment & operators.

April 20, 2023
12:58 pm
BKGM Jeepers

Club President
Forum Posts: 7015
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April 2, 2003
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Guy and Lynda said
No equipment available on my end. Sorry. I was under the believe that the Forest Service was going to furnish the equipment & operators.


  This is help in a different area unfortunately.  It doesn't relate to our trail work.

April 28, 2023
1:55 pm
El Dorado

Club Trailmaster
Forum Posts: 1102
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March 13, 2015
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That is an interesting size class in California.  Generally guys will run a 2-3yrd and 3-5ton rig to stay under commercial towing restrictions in CA else jump to 15-30 ton as the equipment isn't much different in price but moves way more dirt per hr.  Have you guys considered renting and then hiring an operator?


My kubota is a 9k lb unit and I have no dump truck so Im not going to be any help.

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