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Uncle Tom's Cabin
November 24, 2022
9:37 am

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April 10, 2015
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So on Tuesday I was off work without much to do. So we decided to take our first trip to Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Beautiful drive on the way there. Headed from Cool to Georgetown. Had never been there, charming little town with a bed & breakfast that looked surprisingly neat. Then on to Stumpy Meadows reservoir, beautiful area, and after I passed the reservoir I could see why they call it Stumpy Meadows.

UTC is quite a bit past Georgetown, a little further than I realized, but again beautiful drive. There was some snow on the road, but nothing too concerning. I can see how getting there during the actual winter would be a pretty good challenge and maybe impossible. 

UTC is certainly full of character. The bartender, Justin, was there with another regular. They both apparently rent cabins there. Justin gave me an interesting background of the history of the place as well as how it works currently. There are a handful, maybe 10 or so, cabins that are rented out on an annual basis essentially forever. There's a long waiting list and they rarely become available. All of the regulars know each other well and spend lots of time together. Occasionally, it gets very crowded up there and is (as he put it) "a shitshow" of flatlanders in $100,000 rigs that they don't know how to use getting stuck. As one would expect, there was commentary about social media bringing attention and visitors to the place that isn't necessarily wanted.

I told him not to worry, I only have a $10,000 rig that I don't know how to use ; )

At any rate, a beautiful drive, nice people, and a very cool place. The kids had big fun stapling $1 bills around the place and then sledding out back. I'll try to post some pictures in the next post, but not sure if it's going to work.

November 24, 2022
9:43 am

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January 23, 2023
7:14 am
Lynda and Guy

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I've been meaning to comment on this post!  This looks like a fun day!  Thanks for sharing!  (I've never been so I look forward to going!)

L girl

"No beans!"

January 24, 2023
9:38 am
ScottV - K3SLV

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Buck, tell your daughter I still have a book for her.  I was sick during the last meeting and didn't want to get others sick.  I'll bring her the book at February's meeting.

So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.. >`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.. >

February 3, 2023
8:46 am

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ScottV - K3SLV said
Buck, tell your daughter I still have a book for her.  I was sick during the last meeting and didn't want to get others sick.  I'll bring her the book at February's meeting.


will do, thanks. Hope you got to check out "project hail mary."


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