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Current trail conditions
April 3, 2022
8:41 pm

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November 21, 2017
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Hello all,

I went up to strawberry trail today to get eyes on what the trail conditions are and how severe the fire damage is. I ended up running to a few other club members doing the same thing. The fire did have a high impact on the trail.While there are some green trees next to the trail, there are very large areas of very intents heat impacts. Large swathes of match stick like trees. We where able drive to the second switch back, several snow patches left but they will be melting quickly with the heat coming later this week. There was a only a few trees that where across the trail. The equipment from the fire did make a two blade with pass on the road. Which has effectively turned the trail into a regular native soil Forest road. A few of us walked up to where the “main” obstacle on the trail was from the , There was still snow on the trail and all of  the rocks that where on the trail have been pushed to the side of the trail . As you can see in the pictures below we will have a ton of work to do. Kyle should be attending our next meeting and we will start to come up with a plan and get some work parties together.

Please exercise extreme caution traveling into the burn area and carry a saw.

If you have any questions please let me know7ED7A419-04A1-4700-8895-6C667E23B065.jpegImage EnlargerEBD54681-6ECB-47C8-BEEF-DAABD9BFD620.jpegImage Enlarger5FB4153D-8AF8-4802-86B8-4AAAFF5B50A9.jpegImage Enlarger037ADC85-6472-4562-B82C-4DDA7F61FDAA.jpegImage Enlarger1250AC5F-C472-44D3-B44F-E3D38696E164.jpegImage EnlargerAD564630-570D-477D-A287-0A0E69776165.jpegImage EnlargerCA827F01-BE65-4DAB-88D1-C914272B5B94.jpegImage EnlargerB8357FB1-FCC2-4D0E-9196-AAAEB3798B93.jpegImage EnlargerDB8E1EFB-6D9F-49C2-81F6-605A4C0C4C24.jpegImage Enlarger68936CB6-F1AD-4442-B316-6AB7A2BA3E36.jpegImage Enlarger0B5A9944-EB06-47D8-909C-5C2807031DEB.jpegImage EnlargerA565E9E0-44F7-4C2D-AA5E-4E62C45C90C9.jpegImage EnlargerE82ED3B7-E666-4520-840E-96D1FB010B1C.jpegImage EnlargerF4D11A23-CB4C-49F3-9532-9272922CB5DB.jpegImage EnlargerD20B50BD-EDAB-4AA2-8441-0E4659DC994A.jpegImage Enlarger4F5FB1D4-471A-4C30-AD38-6DA9E2851ACC.jpegImage EnlargerA5F3A4CF-7B13-40B0-9B9D-AEDA8D7AE2F4.jpegImage Enlarger6E32410D-F426-4D0D-996F-E541B34D0042.jpegImage Enlarger9C8EAE9A-C158-4C41-83F0-C2BD2F6819E6.jpegImage EnlargerC72936B7-2174-4EF8-8B41-D8CC99CB5907.jpegImage EnlargerC3654F38-A0BC-4DAE-86D7-03979912EC1D.jpegImage EnlargerF1E08F0F-F298-4450-B927-4F9A012306AB.jpegImage EnlargerFFF6AF35-8380-4522-9875-BEE31E870BC8.jpegImage EnlargerA6B53C61-C782-4A49-8199-F640D73D5874.jpegImage EnlargerDA24E529-67F5-421B-B2AF-C54341AF3698.jpegImage Enlarger8A138EBF-E17A-4A3F-A08B-CBE205109D77.jpegImage Enlarger0BADF296-2C74-4F60-8B9F-B611681CE7BB.jpegImage Enlarger8B82C038-79EC-4C6E-A4E2-D374EC4B8591.jpegImage Enlarger4F8212B6-E81A-4AFA-9891-D87B85832512.jpegImage EnlargerFE0B75D5-4BE2-40FB-AC7E-37E57F653F39.jpegImage Enlarger2B9A2A83-1A20-4290-94D4-0BA39A47FFFE.jpegImage EnlargerC9C1BD19-3A44-43DC-9609-CE21CB3133A7.jpegImage Enlarger4345C53E-4C5A-457B-9A98-AFF5FEEED61A.jpegImage Enlarger.



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April 3, 2022
10:40 pm
Meadow Vista

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July 14, 2016
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Thanks Tim. Heartbreaking to see but let's focus on the future and enjoy memories from the past.

April 4, 2022
7:17 am

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July 10, 2003
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Thanks for the pictures.

I used to wheel a lot. . .

April 4, 2022
8:22 am
Folsom4Rnr (Brian)
Folsom, CA

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Jeff_R said
Thanks Tim. Heartbreaking to see but let's focus on the future and enjoy memories from the past.


Well said Jeff. Tough to see the forest burnt up and the trail dozed through like that. But thanks for the recon and pictures Tim - appreciate it.

April 5, 2022
8:31 am
Sacramento, CA

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June 4, 2012
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Thank You for the pictures, could you or maybe Jamie add these pictures to the Picture Gallery?

If I can't build it, then it's something that should be bought.

April 6, 2022
9:10 pm

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January 19, 2011
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Thanks for the update Tim. 

Semper Fi

April 9, 2022
10:56 am
Lynda and Guy

Club Vice President
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June 11, 2021
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The situation is sad for sure, but we have a great opportunity to look at this with a positive view.  We get to determine how the trail (and maybe others if we help out), is designed and rebuilt in a way that the trail and the surroundings will benefit both the forest and those that want to play in it.  A large part of our club is about just that.  We have a blank slate and the Forrest Service trusts us as stewards, not only for our benefit currently, but for what's in the future.  (I sound like a commercial or a self-help book.... I know!  Lol. angel.  But it's truly how I feel.)

This whole process will be daunting and a challenge, but it can also be fun and rewarding.  I'm pretty stoked about being a part of the rebuild and in a group that's "kinda" awesome to do this with. Lol.

My 2 cents.


"No beans!"

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