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2023 Christmas Party 12/9 RSVP Needed by 11/24
October 27, 2023
11:05 am
Lynda and Guy

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Hi Off-Roading Posse!

Here's the particulars of our fun, fantastic Christmas Party!

Please RSVP here with the number of people in your party attending, all names in your group, and the ages of any children under 10, (small, individual gifts giftare given to them). 

Deadline for RSVP - Nov 24th. mail

This year again, our Christmas Party will be held at our regular Round Table Pizza location. 
9500 Greenback Lane, Folsom, where Greenback Lane and Madison Ave converge.

Open to Members. 

Doors open around 2:30, fun starts at 3:00.
$1 raffle ticket.  No $50/$50 drawing.
$5/person to help the club in buying the pizzas, but you will have to get your own drinks and salad and anything else.  Please bring some yummy desserts if you want to.

Be hungry, be happy and bring lots and lots of money!  Great prizes and loads of fun!

This event is part of the major fundraising for the club's 2024 funds.

If you haven't already paid your $5/person cover charge for this event, your money will be collected before you get your plate or you have to sit in your car in the cold, dark parking lot while we have fun inside.

** Come hungry and happy.  There will be some major items for prizes as usual.  Lots of fun to be had!

BTW. Be sure to show appreciation for this Round Table location.  They provide us with this room for free.  The staff makes a point to show us extra attention, they say we are their favorite.  If you have a second please leave these guys a good review online, and for sure let them know when you are ordering.  Thanks.



"No beans!"

October 27, 2023
11:08 am
Lynda and Guy

Club Vice President
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June 11, 2021
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It was mentioned last year that there might be interest in doing a gift exchange like we used to. This isn't a white elephant gift exchange. The suggested costs of the gifts were $20 minimum, and of course new.

How do we feel about adding this back?  





"No beans!"

October 27, 2023
11:33 am

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I plan to attend with two little ones. My wife declined for some reason. I will try and convince her otherwise.


Blakely - 5

Parker - 3


October 27, 2023
3:59 pm

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I’m in.

Two - Josh & Cindy

Vote is Yes for the gift exchange. 

Semper Fi

October 27, 2023
7:33 pm
Dale Clement

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Count me in for two me and my wife Jill will be there.

October 28, 2023
7:41 am

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We (2) will most likely be there.

This will probably be our last one...

We haven't been much into wheeling for a couple of years and it's probably time to make room for another member.

I used to wheel a lot. . .

October 28, 2023
3:52 pm
ScottV - K3SLV

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Kathy and I will be there. 

yes on the gift exchange 

So long and thanks for all the fish!!!
`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.. >`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.. >

October 30, 2023
8:33 am
BKGM Jeepers

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We will be there. Current plan is for 3.

October 30, 2023
12:15 pm
Biggs, CA
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May 12, 2023
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My wife and I will be in Huntington Beach for my company holiday party and won't be able to attend this event with the Posse. 


October 31, 2023
8:49 pm
Meadow Vista

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Kathy and I will be there (head count 2). The gift exchange is fun but I wonder if we will have enough time for it given the size of the raffle and the number of people who are likely to be at the party.

November 2, 2023
11:06 am
Sacramento, CA

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Yes we will be there David & Lori.

The gift exchange was always fun, or frustrating if your favorite gift got stolen. I agree with Jeff, I'm thinking there may not be enough time. That alone would be at least a hour. (or more)  But if there is enough time, it would be nice to have.

If I can't build it, then it's something that should be bought.

November 2, 2023
12:22 pm

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I am in for 6!

Kids all are 10 and older (finally!). Addy JoJo Ellie Sawyer.

gift exchange: I am OK with it, but Jeff R. has a good point. Raffle is huge and I expect to be carrying lots of poinsettias home. . . 

November 2, 2023
5:03 pm
Meadow Vista

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I too really enjoyed the gift exchange. We could speed up the gift exchange by opening two presents at the same time. There could be a rule that the two people opening up gifts at the same time can't steal from each other. Just a suggestion since I will be in New York on business during the next club meeting.

November 4, 2023
4:08 pm

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I will will there, 1 person !

Jim Ruppel

November 5, 2023
3:12 pm

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Will be there. 4 total

2 kids Dylan 17 and Braden 13.

November 6, 2023
8:43 pm
Folsom4Rnr (Brian)
Folsom, CA

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I plan to be there with my three kiddos (12, 11, and 11). 

November 7, 2023
4:55 am

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We will be there with 4 total.

2 kids Presley and Kourtney both 12.

November 10, 2023
4:25 pm
Gilbert & Betty
El Dorado Hills

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We will be there 2 please oh I paid at last nights meeting.

November 12, 2023
11:47 am
BKGM Jeepers

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I would like to propose we add the gift exchange on to the back end of the party.  That way those who need to leave, or choose not to participate, can depart.

We typically finish the party between 6 and 7, including clean up.  Round Table is open for 2 hrs later.

If this sounds acceptable, I will summarize the guidelines below.


Anyone can play

Everyone who chooses to play must bring a new, wrapped item valued at a minimum of $20.

This is NOT a white elephant.  Items are expected to be new and not gag gifts.

We will discuss the picking order, steeling, safe status, and other rules at the party for those who are playing.

Kids can play - each one would need some kind of gift.

Alcohol and gift cards are acceptable gifts (just an FYI for the parents of kids playing).

November 14, 2023
11:56 pm
Chris Campbell

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We are planning on being there.  Chris, Cortney, Samm, Mykey, and Peyton (9).  I probably won't be able to make the toy drive so I will bring the money the day of the party.

November 15, 2023
5:18 am
Lynda and Guy

Club Vice President
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Chris Campbell said
We are planning on being there.  Chris, Cortney, Samm, Mykey, and Peyton (9).  I probably won't be able to make the toy drive so I will bring the money the day of the party.


No worries.  See ya'll then.

"No beans!"

November 15, 2023
6:36 am
Jase and Stace

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We will be there! Stace and Jase, just 2 of us, the red monster and the blue devil will be staying with grandma. We would love to be in for the gift exchange but we have a prior commitment to deliver gifts for miracle angels and will have to leave by 6 pm.

Looking forward to a great party!

November 15, 2023
7:07 am
Jase and Stace

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Jase and Stace said
We will be there! Stace and Jase, just 2 of us, the red monster and the blue devil will be staying with grandma. We would love to be in for the gift exchange but we have a prior commitment to deliver gifts for miracle angels and will have to leave by 6 pm.

Looking forward to a great party!


Good news! We just got an email that we can deliver gifts at a different time, we are in for the gift exchange as well!

Let me sum up, 

Jayson and Stacey RSVP for the party AND gift exchange, see you all there!

November 18, 2023
11:05 am
Jeff L

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I will be there with my wife Monica

November 21, 2023
7:45 am
Jamie (K6NUB)

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August 5, 2017
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Woohoo, Damaris and I are going to make it!


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