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About the 2023 Holiday party . . .
December 15, 2023
9:53 am

Club Member
Forum Posts: 335
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April 10, 2015
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Hi all:

I want to take a moment and recognize the fantastic job that the leadership of this club did with the party. No doubt it was a ton of work planning it, setting it up, and pulling it off. As Guy pointed out, the 2023 party was the largest attendance the club has ever had. We filled up that massive room. And the big attendance was just the beginning: everyone had a great time, there were kids everywhere having a great time, the raffle and gift exchange were massive fun, and it was just really, really festive and amazing. Thank you to club leadership!

This club is all about the people: Although the official club "No Yahoos!" policy has in certain circumstances been applied in a very flexible/forgiving manner (for example, allowing me to attend), this club has fantastic people and families, and that is everything.

So this post is special recognition and gratitude for the leadership of this club: We very much appreciate all the work, time, and energy that you all invest into the club to make it as great as it is. Every year it has just gotten better (pandemic be damned!!), and the 2023 holiday party was a very obvious indication of that. A massive return on your investment. 

Special recognition to Lynda and Kathleen (and their husbands are around too sometimes, on their "honey do" lists . . . anyone remember those guys' names??). Kris . .  Jamie. . . all of you that contribute your time and energy to this club. 

My Ellie said it best: "Ms. Lynda and Ms. Kathleen are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES!!!" They are all of our favorites. Thank you all for all that you do!


February 24, 2024
9:33 am
Folsom4Rnr (Brian)
Folsom, CA

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Forum Posts: 463
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April 18, 2019
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Well said Buck! Although my response is a bit late I wanted to add to the appreciation for the holiday party and acknowledge all the work put into it. Thank Posse Fam for a fun time!

February 25, 2024
4:25 pm
Lynda and Guy

Club Vice President
Forum Posts: 202
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June 11, 2021
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Well, I’ve never been known to be early really. And I am always late, but I am worth waiting on period
I want to thank you both for your amazing words!

I cannot tell you how much this club means to us, and the work that was put into this was absolutely our pleasure!

Lori Fontaine also helped with setting things up. She spent many hours with us putting together the ornaments. And her supplies and her decorations were used as well.

like you said, I’m not real sure with the husband’s names are and what they do, but they sure do a lot to support their amazing wives!

seriously thank y’all so much for being a part of it it would not be the same without you.



"No beans!"

February 26, 2024
6:11 am
Meadow Vista

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July 14, 2016
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Lynda and Guy said
Well, I’ve never been known to be early really. And I am always late, but I am worth waiting on period



What????!!!! LOL!!!!


Edit - Post and response have been corrected to maintain forum "PG" rating!!!  

February 26, 2024
1:07 pm
Lynda and Guy

Club Vice President
Forum Posts: 202
Member Since:
June 11, 2021
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

These stupid electronic devices do not speak TEXAN.  I made that response from my phone and I speak a lot of my stuff, so it didn't get the twang!  (Nor did it know to put the "." when I said "period".....)

Lordie Mercy!!!

"No beans!"

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