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Club Meeting @ Round Table Pizza - January 11th
January 6, 2024
1:23 pm
Jamie (K6NUB)

Club Webmaster
Forum Posts: 750
Member Since:
August 5, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Items up for discussion include Officer Updates, Recent Runs/Events and upcoming Runs/Events so bring your calendar!

We will also discuss officer nominations and voting at this meeting for all except Webmaster, as well as new member additions. New attendees are welcome and will be recognized.

Bring a couple bucks for raffle tickets, $1 each and first prize is half the pot! Raffle donations are always appreciated, big or small if you have something fun bring it in!

Location: The meetings are held in the back room at Round Table Pizza 9500 Greenback Lane, Folsom, where Greenback lane and Madison Ave. converge. It’s more like Orangevale/Folsom. You can save 15% by ordering your food and telling Round Table that you are with the Gold Hills Posse Club, Phone # 916-989-1133.

The meeting starts at 7:30PM, we have the room starting at 7:00 PM.


January 6, 2024
1:24 pm
Jamie (K6NUB)

Club Webmaster
Forum Posts: 750
Member Since:
August 5, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I won't make this one, will be at Damaris' work holiday party.


January 7, 2024
1:23 pm

Club Member
Forum Posts: 391
Member Since:
December 14, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Will be there

January 8, 2024
7:47 am
BKGM Jeepers

Club President
Forum Posts: 7015
Member Since:
April 2, 2003
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks Jamie.  Any updates on the officer voting?

Nominations were opened in December's meeting, with notifications and voting closing out at this meeting.  Is that still the plan?

January 8, 2024
1:34 pm
Folsom4Rnr (Brian)
Folsom, CA

Club Member
Forum Posts: 463
Member Since:
April 18, 2019
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I’m planning to attend. 

January 9, 2024
8:46 pm

Club Member
Forum Posts: 1631
Member Since:
January 19, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I’m in. Looking forward to it. 

Semper Fi

January 10, 2024
1:28 pm
Mike G
Newcastle, CA
Forum Posts: 979
Member Since:
July 14, 2016
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Church Thursday nights for the next 2 months so won't make it till after church goes back to Tuesday nights.

Can't wait to see everyone again!

January 12, 2024
1:26 pm
BKGM Jeepers

Club President
Forum Posts: 7015
Member Since:
April 2, 2003
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thank you everyone who made last night's meeting.

There were a couple of take a ways:

First, Kris has organized two Road patrols in Feb and March that he will lead.  Please look for those on the calendar coming up.

There is a possible 3rd patrol in January if someone else is willing to lead it.  The last two Sunday's of the month are available.


Next up was the officer nomination/elections.

Kris is moving from President to the Trailmaster position.  Brian is stepping down to focus on his recent promotion.

Thank you to Kris for 4 years of leadership!  And thank you to Brian for stepping up into a club leadership position!

The 2024 officer team includes:

Kris in his Trailmaster role.

Brad in the President role, filling Kris's vacancy.

Lynda who remains in her VP role.

Kathleen who remains in her Treasurer role, who is up for re-election in 2 years.

Jamie who remains in his Webmaster role and is up for re-election next year.


Remember than anyone can post a run and lead it!

Please look for posting of summer runs as we try to give everyone advance notice to get time off if needed.


The club will also be doing a logo merchandise order.  Please look for a related post where we can start the process.

January 16, 2024
6:33 am

Club Member
Forum Posts: 3051
Member Since:
September 3, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Congrats to new and continuing officers. Thank you to those who have served.

Brad, I hope you didn't forget how to run this group of misfits... 


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