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Sierra Trek 2024
March 14, 2024
11:13 am
Meadow Vista

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Sierra Trek will be held August 8-11, 2024. The cub will again be leading the Outer Limits Run on the Bear Valley Loop Trail on Saturday August 10th. You can attend Sierra Trek as a volunteer (called a committee member) or as an individual. Committee members receive a discounted registration rate. The registration fee for committee members includes meals plus one committee run in addition to the Outer Limits Run. Committee members can also pay an extra fee to participate in an additional run.

There are a number of positions open for committee members. Since the club has agreed to lead the Outer Limits run, it is important that we have six to eight rigs to assist in leading the run. In addition, there are a number of other committee positions that Sierra Trek is looking to fill as of this date (March 14, 2024). Those positions include but are not limited to helping cook or serve breakfast(s) or dinner(s), spotting/assisting on winch hills and a variety of other jobs.

If your are interested in becoming a committee member please post your area of interest in this thread (i.e. Outer Limits Run, winch hill/spotting aid, meals, etc.) or or see me with any questions.   

If you are interested in attending Sierra Trek as a committee member, I will need to submit your name to the registration team and give you a special registration link in order for you to receive the committee member discount. Cost for committee members is $125. You can sign up for additional runs or purchase apparel when you register online.

If you are registering as a regular individual (i.e. not as a committee member) here is the link: The standard registration fee is $250 per person plus $40 for any additional runs.

I may post a seperate thread just for the Outer Limits Committee team at a later date if this thread gets too busy. I will also be posting a separate thread regarding pre-running the Bear Valley Loop Trail, which we will do a few weeks prior to Sierra Trek (possibly July 27th?). The Bear Valley Loop Trail is a moderate trail and this run would be open to anyone who wished to attend, regardless if you are attending Sierra Terk or not. The purpose of the pre-run is to plan the run for the Outer Limits Run and to do any necessary maintenance in order to make the Outer Limits Run safe and enjoyable for Sierra Trek attendees.

I will update this first post as necessary in the future.

March 20, 2024
9:33 am
El Dorado

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I am in for bear valley and something on friday.  Wouldn't mind helping another group on WH4 or 5 but will also step up and do something in camp if the hills are taken care of.


I propose splitting the bear valley run into 2 or 3 groups depending on numbers to keep things moving faster. 

-Biggest tires should go straight to #1 on the map so they get into the winch hills faster, lunch on the trail, leave whenever. 

-Next group should start at our typical starting location around #28 on the map. 

-Final group should start at #19/20. 

I think the compromise of not having lunch together in exchange for staying moving will be well worth it to the attendees as last year the end of the group sat for an hour waiting to get to ballpeen before we ran out of time. 

March 20, 2024
12:07 pm

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I will attend this year also.  Will commit to the Outer Limits run but the Winch Hill will be a maybe for now.

March 20, 2024
2:08 pm
El Dorado

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Sloguy said
I will attend this year also.  Will commit to the Outer Limits run but the Winch Hill will be a maybe for now.


To be clear I will help out if another club has the hill, not volunteering to do one myself.

March 21, 2024
10:39 am
Jamie (K6NUB)

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I am planning to go, need to nail down a few things on the calendar but I should be good to go.


April 1, 2024
7:11 am

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I am tentative now. I'd like to assist on the Outer Limits run and can assist serving at a meal as well. This trip alludes me, but I am hoping to make it this year.


April 7, 2024
6:53 am
Folsom4Rnr (Brian)
Folsom, CA

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I’m planning on attending again and my friend Sean is too. We’re both up for supporting/volunteering for the outer limits trail run that Saturday. Looking forward to it!

April 7, 2024
6:45 pm
Jase and Stace

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Stace and I will be there for the whole trip, for outer limits and yes even for winch hill (If we are sharing duties with one or more other clubs) I m not interested in repeating the sun up to sun down rock throwing we did last year. At this point we are planning to go up on Wednesday. 

May 8, 2024
5:50 pm
Meadow Vista

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If you are planning to be a volunteer (called a committee member) at this year's Sierra Trek please post here and send me a private message with, or post your contact text or email information here. Please post the name that you will use on your registration form. I will send you the volunteer registration link. Please do not share this link with anyone. I need to submit your name to Sierra Trek if I send you the link so that they can cross check the names of those who sign up via the volunteer link.



May 9, 2024
3:16 pm

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I'll send you a PM.  Looking forward to it!

May 9, 2024
4:19 pm
Gilbert & Betty
El Dorado Hills

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I'm looking forward to going. I'll send you a message

May 9, 2024
5:07 pm
Meadow Vista

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Sloguy said
I'll send you a PM.  Looking forward to it!


Copy that.

May 9, 2024
5:07 pm
Meadow Vista

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Gilbert & Betty said
I'm looking forward to going. I'll send you a message


Copy that.

May 9, 2024
8:15 pm
El Dorado

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Pm sent

May 9, 2024
10:05 pm
Roy & Romika
Elverta, CA

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Adding this to the calendar and looking forward to popping my cherry. 

May 9, 2024
11:06 pm
Meadow Vista

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kris_olof said
Pm sent


Reply sent.

May 13, 2024
11:51 am
Meadow Vista

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July 14, 2016
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Hi all. Once you have actually registered as a committee member for the Sierra Trek Outer Limits Run please indicate so in a post here. I would like to start a roster of those who have formally registered and plan to help. Thanks!

May 13, 2024
6:59 pm
Folsom4Rnr (Brian)
Folsom, CA

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Jeff_R said
Hi all. Once you have actually registered as a committee member for the Sierra Trek Outer Limits Run please indicate so in a post here. I would like to start a roster of those who have formally registered and plan to help. Thanks!


My friend (Sean McClain) and I are registered under the Sat Outer Limits committee. Also signed up to do the Thurs. Fordyce River Poker Committee Run.

May 15, 2024
12:31 pm
Meadow Vista

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As a reminder, if I have sent you the link to register as a committee member (volunteer), please do not share it with anyone else. Cal 4X4 has asked that only designated individuals such as run organizers distribute this link in order to prevent abuse. In the past, individuals who were not committee members obtained the link and used it to get the a discounted registration rate, which they weren't entitled to. This may have been intentional or unintentional due to circulation of the link. Cal 4X4 has asked me to ask you not share the link for this reason. As an added measure of security this year, I'm required to submit the name of everyone who I have sent the link to, and who is therefore entitled to register as a committee member. They will then crosscheck to verify that those who registered using the committee member registration link are in fact committees. If you know somebody who wants to be a committee member please have them contact me for the link. Thanks for your cooperation!

We will put a cap on the number of committee rigs for the Outer Limits Run. I think we will want about eight rigs but possibly could have a couple more. There are other committee positions that need filling such as cooks, servers, etc. If we reach the cap you are always welcome to serve on another committee or if you would rather just serve on another committee, please let me know and I will see what positions are in need of filling.

Here is what I have so far in terms of those who have actually registered as committee members for the Outer Limits Run:

Rig #1: Jeff Root (me) solo.

Rig #2: Brian Cathcart and passenger Sean McClain.

Rig #3: John MacDonnell solo.

Rig #4: Roy and Romika Hill.

Rig #5: Jason and Stacey Rogers

Rig #6: Keith and Katina Holtz

Rig #7: Kris Olof and possibly guest

If I'm missing anyone please let me know. Those who have expressed interest but who aren't yet registered are:

1. Gil Michel

2. Jamie Clayborn

3. Greg Bakken

May 15, 2024
1:03 pm
El Dorado

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I am registered. Might have a buddy interested in helping out as well.  Will post up if his confirms.  Do we have an official or unofficial limit for club participation?

May 15, 2024
1:23 pm
Meadow Vista

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kris_olof said
I am registered. Might have a buddy interested in helping out as well.  Will post up if his confirms.  Do we have an official or unofficial limit for club participation?


I will  amend the previous post to reflect that you are registered Kris. I'm not sure what the "official" limit is, if any, but since we are leading the run and the runs all have caps, we should have an appropriate ratio of committee member rigs to registered attendee rigs.

May 15, 2024
9:46 pm
Folsom4Rnr (Brian)
Folsom, CA

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Jeff_R said

kris_olof said

I am registered. Might have a buddy interested in helping out as well.  Will post up if his confirms.  Do we have an official or unofficial limit for club participation?


I will  amend the previous post to reflect that you are registered Kris. I'm not sure what the "official" limit is, if any, but since we are leading the run and the runs all have caps, we should have an appropriate ratio of committee member rigs to registered attendee rigs.


Anyone recall the count from last year? Didn’t seem like they limited it. Lol

May 16, 2024
2:16 am
Chris Campbell

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I am interested but can not commit yet due to unknown soccer schedules for my kids.  I will reach out to you when they post the summer tournament schedules.

May 16, 2024
12:44 pm

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Folsom4Rnr (Brian) said


Anyone recall the count from last year? Didn’t seem like they limited it. Lol


The limit for vehicles from Sierra Trek was 35 but Sierra Trek also encouraged people who didn't register to just show up since there are always cancellations.  These do not include Posse vehicles.


First year we did this we had 35 registered and only 24 show up including a couple of non registered vehicles.

Definitely more last year.

May 16, 2024
8:37 pm

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Registered under Saturday Outer Limits and Selected Committee River Run Thursday also ordered my Hoodie.

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