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How to setup and use EchoLink... Talk to anyone *almost* anywhere in the world
November 2, 2018
1:47 pm
Tyler - K6TLR
Rancho Cordova
Forum Posts: 380
Member Since:
July 12, 2017
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Hey everyone... There are a few of you now who have your ham licenses. I finally sat down and did a "how to" write up on Echolink.

Find it here!


EchoLink is essentially a way to connect to a ham radio repeater over the internet. Thus, you can connect to a repeater using your cell phone, or a computer, or a tablet, etc. This comes in useful when you need to get ahold of someone back at home while you are out wheeling away from cell reception.

The caveat: the person you are trying to get ahold of needs to have a ham license in order to talk to you.


Let me know if you have any questions!

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